Precise M5 Mens 15-Piece Complete Golf Club Set Review
By GBB Staff Introduction I have a nephew who’s thinking about taking up golf. So his father and I have been discussing which set of golf clubs to get him. He’s a good athlete and will probably become a good golfer...if he sticks with it. But with all of the other interests he has, it’s not yet a foregone conclusion that that he’ll develop a love of the game and devote the kind of time it takes to improve. Making a big investment in brand-name clubs at this point just seems a little bit “risky.” So even though his Dad...
CUBE CART 3 Wheel Push Pull Golf Cart Review
By GBB Staff Introduction I've always preferred to walk the course during my rounds. I like the idea of getting as much exercise as possible while playing, and I've found that a stroll of about 5-6 miles with a push cart is one of the best way to maximize my health benefits; in fact, in a comprehensive 9-hole study by Dr. Neil Wolkodoff of the Colorado Center of Health and Sports Science, it was shown (among many other things) that golfers who used a push cart burned 718 calories during their round. So Which Push Cart Did I Decide On? There are so...
Power Stick Golf Distance Training Aid Review
By GBB Staff Introduction Have you ever met a golfer who wasn’t interested in hitting the ball farther? Neither have I. Added distance is the Holy Grail for everyone who plays the game, and golfers will do almost anything to find it. They’ll spend a small fortune on new clubs, year after year, believing all those self-serving claims by the manufacturers that their latest driver is (once again) the magic wand that will give them 10-20 extra yards. Eventually, though, golfers usually find that the answer didn’t lie in that expensive new club. The truth of the matter is that...
Precise S7 Mens 18-Piece Complete Golf Club Set Review
By GBB Staff Introduction If you’re a beginner or intermediate golfer who is trying to improve, there are several features that you should be looking for in any new set of golf clubs. Those features include things like a cavity back design with perimeter weighting which makes the clubs more forgiving when you miss the sweet spot, a low center of gravity that makes it easier to get the ball up into the air, a wider sole that makes it less likely that you’ll hit a fat shot, etc. In short, these types of features make the game a little...
Summer is the Best Time to Play Golf
By GBB Staff Introduction We survived the cold days and frost delays of winter. Spring can be nice, but the weather and course conditions are “hit or miss”. Temperatures are rising. Schools are out and your local pool is open for business. What does all of this mean? It is time to put away your long pants and pullovers – it is time to play some summer golf. One of our favorite things about summer golf is the amount of daylight. Play early in the morning, just after lunch, or in the early evening. Summer is the only time of...