Precise M3 Mens 14-Piece Complete Golf Club Set Review
By GBB Staff
My son recently became interested in golf. To get him started, I temporarily gave him an old set of mine. But in a conversation with the professional at our local club recently, I learned that, although my intentions were good, I may have unwittingly made a mistake by doing that.
What he shared with me is that, when beginners learn to play with hand-me-down clubs that were used previously by someone else, there is a real risk that they will pick up swing flaws as a result of trying to adapt their developing swing to clubs that are not a proper fit for them. For example, if a boy with a slight build learns the game by playing with shafts that are far too stiff for him, he may subconsciously start to swing too hard and fast to compensate for those ill-fitted clubs. And unfortunately, flaws like that, picked up at this early stage in their development, could very well become ingrained in their swing forever.
The pro’s warning to me was both fortuitous and timely, so I committed to immediately search for an appropriate golf set for my son. And, while my primary motivation was to get him his own clubs that he could use while he is learning the game, I must admit that I had a secondary criterion. I didn’t want to spend a fortune at this point. As he eventually gets better, there will come a time when a bigger investment in clubs will be warranted. But for now, I just wanted a high-quality set that would be a good fit for him now, at a reasonable cost.
The Precise M3 Complete Set
In researching the market for suitable clubs, I was fortunate to come upon the M3 Complete Set from Precise Golf. I looked at many others, but I was really impressed by several things about this set:
- The Precise M3 is a “complete” set, which means that it comes pre-packaged with all the clubs he would need. I loved that idea. As a result, it wasn’t necessary to shop for and select all the individual clubs (first shopping for a driver, then shopping for a fairway wood, followed by the irons, a putter, etc.). All of those clubs are already included in the M3 set. Not only did that save me a lot of time, but it most definitely saved me a lot of money.
- I was pleasantly surprised at the high level of quality in all the components. These clubs are really well made, and they were constructed using state-of-the-art, high-tech materials. For example, the driver is made from an advanced titanium alloy and the irons use soft feeling, but highly durable steel construction. I knew right away that they would last a long time.
- Possibly the single most important feature in any golf clubs that will be used by beginners is that they are designed and built to be “forgiving.” What does that mean? Clubs that are forgiving will lessen the negative effects of shots that aren’t struck on the sweet spot of the club face. Typically, in clubs that aren’t made to be forgiving, bad swings and poor contact result in shots that fly badly offline and go much shorter than the intended distance. And since mishits like that are fairly common for beginners just starting out, I was delighted to learn that the engineers who designed the Precise M3 clubs placed a lot of emphasis on forgiveness, in both the woods and the irons. With these clubs, shots that miss the center of the club face will still fly almost as far, and almost as straight, as if they had been struck on the sweet spot. For a beginner golfer, that makes all the difference in the world.
- Surprisingly, this complete set is available in multiple different club lengths based on the golfer’s height. Being able to select the proper club lengths in this way is unusual in a set at this price point. Normally, fitted club lengths are only available in expensive custom-ordered sets. The Precise M3 Set comes in three optional club lengths: Regular Size is for players between 5’8” – 6’1”, the Tall Size is for players that are taller than 6’1”, and the Petite Size is for those who are shorter than 5”8”.
- The Precise M3 is a 13-piece set that includes the following:
- Driver
- Fairway Wood
- 21° Hybrid
- Irons from 6 through PW
- Putter
- Stand Bag (with a rain hood for inclement weather)
- 3 matching headcovers
- This is a perfect complement of clubs for beginner golfers. The only other things they’ll need to buy before they head to the golf course are some golf balls and tees!
What Makes the Precise M3 Set “Forgiving”?
As mentioned above, it’s really important for beginners that the golf clubs they use have been designed and built to be forgiving. Clubs that are forgiving will counteract the unpredictable negative results that happen when a mishit occurs. The Precise M3 clubs were engineered with forgiveness as a primary design objective, which is one of the main reasons that this set is so highly recommended, particularly for beginners.
What does forgiveness in golf clubs really mean? Think of it in contrast to golf clubs that aren’t forgiving. When using traditional golf clubs (clubs made for better players who always find the center of the club face or clubs made before the concept of forgiveness was introduced), an optimal ball flight is possible only when the ball is struck purely, with contact being made on the sweet spot of the club face.
When poor contact is made using one of those clubs, however, there’s a significant impact on how far, and on how accurately, the ball will fly. Mishit shots go a much shorter distance than a well struck shot will, and they often go offline from the intended target as well. For beginners learning the game, who naturally miss the center of the club face frequently, this can be really frustrating and can affect their enjoyment of the game.
And so, a number of years ago, golf manufacturers began introducing new design concepts into the golf clubs that are targeted at higher handicap golfers and beginners. All of these newer concepts make golf easier for the player by lessening the impact of mishit shots and by producing a higher trajectory for greater distance. How do they make golf clubs forgiving?
- Increased Perimeter Weighting - Rather than concentrating the weight in the center of the club head, engineers learned that by transferring some of that weight away from the center and towards the perimeter of the club, they were able to increase the “Moment of Inertia.” MOI is a fancy term that simply reflects how much a club head twists when the ball is struck out toward the toe or in toward the heel.
Clubs with a high MOI will twist less on these types of mishits, meaning that the face will remain stable and good results can still occur even with those toe and heel strikes. A high MOI is a result of the increased perimeter weighting.
The Precise M3 clubs make full use of perimeter weighting to give them a high Moment of Inertia (and are, therefore, very forgiving).
- Low Center of Gravity - Another important forgiveness feature aimed at higher handicappers is the incorporation of a low “Center of Gravity” (COG). When the COG is designed to be low in the club head, and oriented toward the rear of the head, the result is an increase in the launch angle of your shots. Many beginners and high handicappers struggle with getting the ball high enough in the air, which unfortunately reduces the distance that they hit the ball.
The Precise M3 clubs feature a low COG which will enable players to hit the ball higher and farther.
Beginners will enjoy golf more and their games will improve more quickly due to these forgiveness features in the Precise M3 set.
I’m so happy that I found the Precise M3 clubs for my son. They’ve turned out to be the perfect set for him. He’s enjoying golf a lot more and I can see his game improving already.
If you’re a golfer at this same stage (beginner just getting started, or high handicapper), you should really take a look at this great golf set. It includes everything you’ll need to get started, it’s made with high quality components, and you’ll really appreciate the great value.
Visit the M3 Product Page for more info.